AvadaCodavra - Codechef Campus Chapter of IIT Dharwad provides a platform and encourages students to learn together and become better problem…

The Coding Club, also known as Code Geass, is an enthusiastic community of students dedicated to the realms of coding, Web Development, Game…
The Space Data Science Club at our college is a dynamic and forward-thinking community of students passionate about exploring the boundless…
Literature Club: Hub for book lovers and aspiring writers to explore diverse genres, dissect plots, and share literary passions. Immersion in the…
Fine Arts Club: A creative hub for artists and art admirers. Explore various forms of visual expression, from painting to sculpture and more.…
Encouraging the AI community to pursue projects aiming to solve real-world problems through the power of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
InGene, the motorsports club of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Dharwad is a passionate group of students who share a common love for…
Finance Club of IIT Dharwad, aims to improve the financial literacy of college students by organising multiple events/workshops, and host fun and…

Open Student Society(OSS) is a community for students to join together to develop, innovate, share, and grow together as a community. It is…

Photography and Films Club: An artistic space for photographers and filmmakers to capture and craft compelling visuals. Dive into the world of lenses…
Spiritual Club: A sanctuary for seekers and believers. Delve into introspective journeys, discussions on philosophy, and the pursuit of inner peace.…
Quiz Club: A gathering place for trivia enthusiasts and inquisitive minds. Dive into a realm of facts, puzzles, and friendly competition. Challenge…
Music Club: Sanctuary for music enthusiasts and budding artists alike. Believing in the transformative power of melodies, uniting students through…
The Robotics Club at IIT Dharwad is a passionate community dedicated to exploring the world of robotics. We dive into the world of autonomous…
Dance Club: Our Dance Club is a dynamic community that embraces various dance forms and skill levels. From contemporary to hip-hop, we provide a…
Dramatics Club: A stage for aspiring actors and storytelling aficionados. Immerse yourself in the world of characters, scripts, and theatrics. Hone…