
Faculty Recruitment

Recruitment of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor for all departments

IIT DHARWAD invites applications from well-qualified Indian nationals (including Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs)) and foreign nationals for faculty positions at Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor levels in all the departments.

The detailed advertisement (Regular Advertisement) is available at: Regular Recruitment Drive  (Last Date is 30th April 2024) - This form is closed.

The detailed advertisement (Special Recruitment Drive) is available at: Special Recruitment Drive (Rolling Advertisement)

Application Form available here : 

Name of the DepartmentApply (Regular) *These forms are ClosedApply (Special Recruitment Drive)
 Biosciences and BioengineeringRegular Recruitment FormSpecial Recruitment Form
Chemical EngineeringRegular Recruitment FormSpecial Recruitment Form
ChemistryRegular Recruitment FormSpecial Recruitment Form
Civil & Infrastructure EngineeringRegular Recruitment FormNo Special Drive
Computer Science and Engineering Regular Recruitment FormSpecial Recruitment Form
Electrical, Electronics and Communication EngineeringRegular Recruitment FormSpecial Recruitment Form
Humanities, Economics, Arts and Rural TechnologiesRegular Recruitment FormSpecial Recruitment Form
MathematicsRegular Recruitment FormSpecial Recruitment Form
Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace EngineeringRegular Recruitment FormSpecial Recruitment Form
PhysicsRegular Recruitment FormSpecial Recruitment Form


Any issues while filling the application can be addressed to